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Loyalty Program
A New Way To Reward Yourself
We value our customers the most. If Assignment is your go to guide for all assignment problems we believe that you deserve some tender loving care (TLC) from us. Our Platinum Loyalty Program is a unique way to make you feel special in our own way.
Yes, that’s right! When you take our expert assignment help regularly, you automatically become a part of our exclusive Platinum Loyalty Program. With us, you always stand to get the best and we are happy to go the extra mile to show that WE CARE
Earning Platinum Points Is As Easy as 1-2-3
We care for our loyal customers. Which is why we’ve come up with a highly rewarding loyalty program for you.
No Skills Required
You earn points for doing the simplest of things such as filling your form correctly, offering your valuable feedback, referring a friend, etc.
What You See
To add cherry on top, you can en-cash these points too. For every 500 points, you get a cool USD 50 in your Student wallet.
Easy to Use
You can redeem these points and use them to pay for your already heavily discounted assignment from us. Awesome, isn’t it?
How Can You Redeem Your Points
To redeem your points, you have to first view how many points you have. Once you see you have enough, you can use them while purchasing an assignment from us.
You can convert your points in multiples of 500.
For Example
- 500 points = 50 USD
- 1000 points = 100 USD
- 1500 points = 150 USD
- Your redeemed USD will be stored in your e-wallet registered on our site.
- You can use the amount while paying for your assignments.
- You will be able to redeem only $10 per assignment.
Get 5% Cash Back On Selected Subjects!
Marketing, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource, Sociology, History, Psychology & English Assignments!
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